Super Mario Land 5

One day, I was walking down a sidewalk when I noticed this game lying in front of me, it said "Super Mario Land 5". I was surprised cause I was a huge Mario fan and I had every game in the series, so I took it home and popped it in my Gameboy Pocket.
The title screen came up with Mario on it. Although Mario had an angry look on his face... I shrugged this off and started the game. It started out normal with the normal jumping on Goombas and Koopas, but then I noticed something, Mario had a sad look on his face as if something had happened. But I shrugged it off, so I jumped on a Goomba and instead of the usual squash and disappear thing, it's body laid on the ground. No signs of blood or anything like that. Then it cut to black, with an ear piercing shriek. I wondered where it was coming from, I was gonna stop playing, until a text box appeared that said:
"Hello Mario, wanna play?"
The screen came back but this time everything looked weird, there was a dead animal that seemed to be a Koopa.
So, Mario kept going right, until he ran into a wall. Then everything started to get distorted and Mario had an unsettling grin. Everything was just messed up from that point, the music was distorted, I constantly heard static and everything was glitching up, until it came to an end. A black screen came up, then I heard a loud gunshot and distorted shrieking, the screen came back and Mario was in a pool of blood, then the credits rolled.
Ever since then, I kept this game locked up so no one can ever find or play it. To this day I haven't played a Mario game or touched a Gameboy since.